Review & Cheap price Braeburn 5220 Programmable Premier Thermostat ;White
At online store, you can read more customers reviews about Braeburn 5220 Programmable Premier Thermostat ;White Then, you will see why it is pretty best for its cost and popular. It is worth for your money. Do not miss the best occasion to buy one.
Braeburn 5220 Programmable Premier Thermostat ;White Info : Features & Description
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- 5 Star Customer Service Team
Braeburn Premier products are packed with easy to use features. Includes a big easy to read 5 square inch display and meets energy aware guidelines. Use the speedset mode to quickly set up your thermostat. Also includes an auxiliary heat fossil fuel option.
- 7 day, 5-2 day programmable or non-programmable settings.
- Huge 5 sq. in. bright blue backlit display.
- Auto or manual changeover.
- Innovative speedbar multi-function button.
- Fully adjustable temperature limits.
- Indoor or outdoor remote sensing.
- Meets energy aware guidelines.
- Speedset programming mode.
- Separate user and installer reset buttons.
- Auxiliary heat fossil fuel option.
- Set up for hardwiring or battery power.
- Multi-level keypad lockout.
- Adaptive recovery mode (ARM).
- Programmable fan with on or auto modes.
- Temporary override limits.
- Residential and commercial modes.
- Compatible with 2 or 3 wire hydronic zone systems.
- Dimensions: 1.42" D x 3.86" H x 5.11" W
- 5 Year Warranty
- 3 Stage Heating and 2 Stage Cooling
- Compatibility: Conventional and Heat Pump
- 5 Sq. in. Display Size
- Terminations: Rc, Rh, W1/E/W3, W2, Y1, Y2 G, O/B/V3, C, L, S1, S2